In Bergamo we would say "Gioanabela l'è prope bela" I say it is spectacular. Ascent immersed in nature, descent immersed in the stacks of Pizzo Grande with 500 meters of technical trail with numerous switchbacks and a beautiful final flow of another 400 meters of elevation gain that will have you arriving at the car with your adrenaline pumping. You can add the ascent to Pizzo Grande (about 200 meters of elevation gain following this trail) to the trail. But let's get to the details. We park at the former San Giovanni Bianco station (the side on the left has no time disk), jump into the bike path and shortly after on a comfortable asphalt climb, with little traffic, and with the panorama of the valley in the background.
Arriving at Ca' Boffetti we can stop at the fountain to catch our breath for a moment, from here the climb will become very challenging. We ascend toward Molinasco on asphalt with very challenging gradients and then offroad with often pedalable tears until the Foldone trail junction at an altitude of 1250 meters. From here we keep to the right and another 180 meters pedalable only by Emtb await us, in an ascent on an easy trail and also wide enough to allow us to push the mtb comfortably (in case you are not electrified). As we gain altitude the pedaled sections increase. Until we reach the high Baita di Sornadello.
From here following this track it is possible to climb to Pizzo Grande in another 180 meters pedalable by emtb or push by mtb. After admiring the panorama of the Orobie we follow the track that initially develops on a smooth path but not always easy to follow (keep an eye on the track), after a short path of 80 linear meters not rideable we come out in front of a super-panoramic point (watch out for the overhangs) and what will be the real descent.
Apart from very short sections the descent is hardly ever exposed, but initially the overhang located 20 meters off the trail path worries a bit. Fortunately, the section is really short and we can immediately focus on the descent, which for the next 550 meters will be a continuous succession of switchbacks where nose press is often a must, technical S3 medium passages that are felt on the arms.
The trail is relatively clean so we can enjoy the passages without particularly worrying about the boulder that would make them unfeasible, plus during the descent, under a huge rock outcrop, we can find what remains of the Baita Gioanabela.
Reaching an altitude of 800 meters (we are above Cornalita), the music changes completely! At the fork we keep left and the trail becomes a beautiful, guided, fast flowing S2. During the descent there are other beautiful forks on both sides, I can assure you that by following the trail you will not go wrong and it will take you to the valley touching maybe 30 linear meters of dirt road, full of adrenaline after what I personally consider one of the most beautiful descents in the Brembana Valley!
Track style: AM
Personal rating: 10/10
MTB: yes
EMTB: yes
Duration: about 4h on mtb
Portage: about 180m push
Difficulty climb: very challenging
Difficulty descent: 60% S3 ; 40% S2
Draining: ND