Rifugio Cassana e Passo del Leverone 2
Easier version of this route, of which it completely traces the ascent and the part on the ridges. The only variation is the descent into the Federia valley, which is easier and has less meters of elevation gain on trail. In fact, once we find the trail after the Leverone Pass, we come to a junction where we keep left. The trail, apart from a short section with stones driven into the ground, is better maintained than the variant down to Malga Federia.
It is really fun and flowing. There is also a fountain for the cows, from which you can drink safely. This brings you to the ascent to the Cassana hut, made earlier, and you follow the dirt road downhill for a while until you turn right to take the path that will take you to the valley floor, which is also easy and fun.
You thus arrive on the road leading from Livigno to the Federia hut, with many merenderos to watch out for, follow it downhill and then climb up to the locality "I muri," from where another path starts, which shortly after goes into coniferous forest, descends to more houses and skirts the stream. I thus arrive at the asphalt road just outside Livigno and the tour ends.
Here you can see the trail after the bike presentation: