Malga Ungarina
In Lusevera (UD), along the state road leading to Pian dei Ciclamini, there is the trattoria alle sorgenti: this is where today's tour will start.
The first 5 km will be all of a tough climb toward Casere Tacia, except then veering toward Plan di Tapou and then reaching Forcella Tacia (elevation 1082 m asl). The fast descent that follows will direct us to the Casera Navis Shelter, which we will visit, however, on the way back. Now we will have to face the steep and steady ascent to Malga Ungarina (1296 m asl): after a due rest, we will descend again by the same road, except for two detours: in the first one we will touch the Ricovero Casera Navis, in the second one, much further downstream, we will go towards the Plan de Tapou cheese factories and then take the path towards Musi. Having tackled the last descent, we will arrive at our starting point.