Finale Ligure Trails con salita pedalata
Pedaled tour in the Finale area with never-too-hard climb from the Collarina, dirt road, which starts after Rialto, going up to the Agribike campground turns at Molino. From here we follow the dirt road that leads up to Melogno hill where several trails start. We will follow the famous Roller Coaster, really fun and never too difficult. When we reach a clearing, on the left we will take the Martina trail slightly uphill that will take us to Madonna della Guardia. North of the little church we will find the entrance to the Cacciatore trail, which in just over 2 km will make us lose 500 m of elevation gain, a bit more challenging than the other two but never impossible. At this point we return to the asphalt road that takes us back to Finale Ligure, from here the trail continues to Varigotti to go to the Manie area where as icing on the cake we will face the famous DH man cliff trail.