L'altopiano attorno a Loqua
Loqua is a Slovenian resort very close to the border, reachable in half an hour by car, much loved by Gorizians for its natural beauty. Before the climate changed, it was a popular ski resort; today when we visit it we can still admire the vestiges of the ski lifts, and the wide meadows in the middle of the Selva that were once the slopes.
Today's tour starts from the "Gostilna," a typical Slovenian inn, located in that little village, equipped with ample freely usable parking. The entire route is on macadam-type roads or forestry, thus devoid of technical difficulties.
The start is to the south, with a slight descent that will then take us to the first climb to Kopica and then, with a steady descent, to the edge of the plateau from which to admire the mighty panorama of the valley below.
The ascent will give us no respite with climbing toward Prevalski vrh and, after a one-and-a-half-kilometer descent, we will resume climbing toward the flank of Smrekov vrh, which will make us touch the highest elevation of the day. Having finished Paradana Straße we turn left and go to admire the Dolina and then Paradana Cave. We now point toward Lazna Fredda and then take the road toward Loqua, where we will end our tour.