Laguna del Mort Gravel
The Laguna del Mort is a stretch of sea separated from open waters as a result of the Piave River's detour. The episode dates back to 1935 , when the river, in its artificial course, flowed into the Marina of Eraclea. On October 5, following an unprecedented flood, the river overflowed, abandoning its course and opening its way to flow into its present estuary at Cortellazzo.
The riverbed thus remained isolated from the sea, turning into a small lagoon of considerable environmental and wildlife interest .
The lagoon is characterized by shallow, calm waters with shallow, sandy bottoms rich in phytoplankton, home to mussels, clams, oysters, crabs, mullet, flounder and sole.
Little egrets, cormorants, sea swallows and little grebes stop there during migration.
We get there from Jesolo Lido by first following the Sile, then going along the Piave River and diverting from its estuary. At Laguna del Mort there are some easy trails. The beach is often frequented by nudists, so if you want to take a swim and don't have your bathing suit with you, there should be no problem. It is wild, no bathing establishments or restaurants.