Monte Casale e lago di Tenno
Long ride with arrival at the summit of Mount Casale , then long dirt roads in the woods and, in the finale, beautiful Lake Tenno.
Start from Torbole with the 25 km bike path to Sarche, very nice, continue with the spectacular Sarca gorges bike path then left paved road to Comano. Now long dirt climb to Monte Casale to Don Zio refuge. Steady climb, but deadly last 2 km of which 1 constant 30% on concrete. Spectacular view from the summit, 360 degree view.
Now long series of dirt roads and a few trails to Marcarie - San Giovanni a Monte, follow the many signs indicating them. More downhill to Treni then not long ascent to follow the dirt road to Lake Tenno, very nice. Asphalt for Campi slightly uphill then endless descent to Riva del #garda with dirt and cemented sections.