Villanova - Campi Golf Garlenda - Ligo - Madonna della Neve - Villanova
It starts from Villanova d'Albenga. Easy route for the first part, a bit more challenging in the second part, but if you want you can cut and always face the easy alternative.
From the Villanova bridge take a dirt road that runs along the river, and continue straight ahead following the road. When you come out on the municipal road to Caso, cross over continuing past the bar and always follow the dirt road. Arriving at the Garlenda Golf courses, you proceed skirting the courses (do not enter the Golf courses they get mad as hell) the dirt road is pleasant and relaxing, encountering several stables with horses and animals.
You arrive as far as Garlenda, where from here you ascend to Ligo along a wide, flowing dirt road on a false level. Straight ahead until you come out on the municipal road to Ligo. Continue uphill on asphalt until you reach the small village. If you choose to do the dirt road, the final part has decidedly steep inclines, a few dozen meters but they break your breath. Continue in the direction of Marmoreo. On the paved road after 1-1.5 km on the right is the dirt road for the climb to Madonna della Neve. You can see it because there is a bar. The dirt road is wide steep and stony, slopes with average from 8 -13%, climbs with a series of hairpin bends. When we reach the top, there is the old little church now in a state of danger of collapse, where there is a beautiful view of the whole valley with a sea view at the bottom.
Here starts the single track that takes us back to Ligo. Technical trail. In Ligo we take the trails down to Villanova the ones that start at the cemetery. They are not difficult, but they are technical and definitely stony and require good attention.
In this GPS track, where you meet the signs for Ortovero, DO NOT take it and continue straight ahead. I tried following this route, but it leads nowhere, or rather, you end up in the woods with no more trail or signage!