Itinerary starting from Villa Rendena (TN) to discover the malghe under the ridges of Cengledino that if done in optimal weather gives beautiful views of the Brenta Group. Ascent on asphalt with zero traffic with challenging ramps in the first 3/4 km, then it softens and the track becomes dirt. Passes Malga Rosa, then stretch with bike on shoulder or pushing until the highest point of the tour located at Malga Stablo Marc' (it's a bivouac); nice transfer in the woods until Malga Cengledino with subsequent descent on meadows.
Now begins a beautiful single trail with some counter-slope sections and some short relaunches. The last part of the descent starting from a hut in the woods is even more beautiful with a very fast first section, and a next one with many hairpin bends to make nose press lovers indigestion. Beware of this section as a very narrow trail with a non-exposed but very steep downhill section. The trail ends in Tione where on dirt and secondary roads we return to the cars in Villa Rendena.
At this link short photoreport of the ride.