Val di Zoldo Darè Copada
Turbo Levo.
From the bottom of the valley to Passo Cibiana and then, to the right, up the new forest road to the Casera di Copada Alta.
From here 50 meters push to gain CAI 483, almost all of it pedalable uphill.From Pian d'Angiàs a few more push passages and then a fantastic up and down until overlooking the lesser mountains of Zoldo at Forcella de le Calade.
Always essentially flat, to Baita Darè Copada and then to the pass between Col dei Lares and Spiz de San Piero. This section is rather uneven and has sections that are not rideable.
Beware of an intermediate section of the descent to Casera Castelin, not easy (S3) and directly overhanging the Useloin jumps, do not go long.
At the junction with CAI 489 lean this, left, and enjoy the nice long descent to Pra de Val, medium S2.
Here reached, turn down the small road cut after Vaia and take the little path, somewhat hidden, that leads back to the state road.
This route has some interesting descents but, in my opinion, the real treat is the climb from Copada Alta to Forcella de le Calade. So much so that you might even consider going back the same way you went up, avoiding the blocked part between the fork and the Spiz de San Piero. In this case, much of the asphalt can be avoided by descending via Arsiera. Otherwise, here I say it and here I deny it because it would have to be cleaned and reported, from Copada Alta there is an old trail to Copada Bassa and then to Cornigian ... but that is another story.