Val di Zoldo, superCibiana
From Forno di Zoldo climb all the way up Cibiana (asphalt) and then the forest road to Mt. Rite to Forcella Deona. Up to here +1200, but presumably it will be an opportunity to make a run to the top of Rite as well, another 200m. and single somewhat blocked downhill.
In any case from Deona left for the classic Val Inferna single track. Once you reach the state road descend a short distance, until you reach an elevation of about 1400m, and take a right onto the forest track that leads into the Val Inferna Mines. Where the forest road ends cross the stream bed and, paying attention to the inconspicuous signposts, take the single track to the hydrographic right that leads to Arsiera. The first part of the trail is a bit compromised by the rotten remains of bridges, then better. From Arsiera good single track to the sbrecciata, to be followed to the state highway.
Go back up to Cornigian (+150m approx.) and take the Castelin forest track to the left, which you follow to where it ends, just past the casera, elevation 1550m, another 250m positive. Now begins a little-known and very nice single track, technically never difficult although steep in places. The trail would continue to Forno di Zoldo, but we will deviate to the left (pay attention to the signs) at the fork to Triol del Camillo.
After the first uphill but easily pedaled section, you will have to proceed pushing the bike for about fifteen minutes, not so much because of the steepness but because of the bottom of loose stones. From the bench back in the saddle, except for a few meters blocked on two occasions, with wonderful views of the lesser Zoldo mountains. Triol del Camillo ends near Casera di Fagarè. +100m but with several ups and downs.
The return to Forno di Zoldo is via a trail that does not appear on Tabacco maps, but you will have no problem following it using the published trail and OpenStreetMap-based maps. The fact is that the CAI 491 trail was destroyed in the big Bocole landslide, a landslide that even disrupted the state highway, and it is not known if and when it will be restored. The proposed alternative is a technical up and down single track, still however rideable. At the end of this section you come out on the plateau below Pra de Val. Staying to the left of the logging dirt road, ride the last single track that will take us back to the state highway and, presumably, to the cars.