Monti Tamai ed Arvenis - Giro delle malghe - Ravascletto
Cyclo-mountaineering route with ascent by cable car from Ravascletto to the Zoncolan "cube," almost totally push ascent to the Tamai peak, short technical descent to Forcella Arvenis, ascent with bike on shoulder to Cima Arvenis and descent to Malga Claupa; long traverse on trail to Malga Meleit, ascent to Malga Tamai and then to the pass, Malga Pozof and descent on CAI 170 trail first and downhill from Stella Alpina hut.
Immediately ascend by cable car from the Ravascletto parking lot to its arrival, follow the cartroad leading to sella Zoncolan, passing it and continuing to Monte Tamai (m.1,970), which is reached by pushing on a ski slope; short descent on single track to Forcella Arvenis and ascent by portage to Cima Arvenis (1968m.). The first part of the descent retraces the ascent, a few sections on foot to start, then it becomes a flowing flow, in which to be careful in the most dug-out sections. When you reach Malga Claupa, descend to the creek to climb the trail with rideable inclines.
You reach Malga Meleit bypassing Punta Bella and, after a regenerating stop, climb the cemented and dirt ramps to Malga Tamai. Reaching sella Zoncolan you descend toward Ovaro trying to cut the hairpin bends and, before the tunnel, take a stony, rocky road to the right that leads to malga Pozof. Near the malga, on the right, the CAI 170 trail branches off, which with a fun flow (S1) and a few relaunches leads to a junction at an altitude of 1.400 where arrows are marked on a tree; continue straight on going up part of the way on foot and crossing a small wooden bridge, then coming to a dirt road that descends to the Stella Alpina hut; at the hut near a manhole, continue straight into the woods; a downhill begins with a very steep bottom but softened by pine needles, unmarked but understandably intuitive that leads back to the Ravascletto sports field.
Trails 50% - Dirt 50%; Physical condition: medium challenging; Technical difficulty: challenging; Elevation gain 760 mechanized + 1,070 m