Monte Stol Valle del Soca
Route on Mount Stol that divides the valley of the Soca (Soča) and Nadiza rivers, ascent on dirt road with medium gradient, ridge trail between meadow and forest path and descent on trails, closing on Bimobis bike path.
Start from the parking lot of the campsite near Robic, reach the village of Kred on dirt road and climb to the top of Mount Stol on asphalt to the village of Sedlo and then right on dirt road at times a bit bumpy but with never excessive gradients. On a clear day the views are remarkable. You reach the highest point from which on the right you can take the dirt road that becomes a path and leads to the top, which is not cyclable. Continue downhill on cart track, then on ridge on grassland and forest path, treacherous in wet weather, otherwise almost totally cyclable and technical because of unstable stones.
You cross a cart track to ride down to the asphalt road that along the Soca leads to Kobarid. You ride for a few hundred meters and turn left onto the dirt road parallel to the asphalt that downhill closely skirts the river and leads to the Napoleonic bridge. You climb back into town on asphalt and from here along the Bimobis bike path on dirt road back to the starting point.
Asphalt 40% - Dirt 60%, medium challenging.