Revine - La posa - Pian delle Femene
Route with ascent on asphalt and a few sections on dirt road to Pian de le Femene, short push climb to the hill above it and descent along the challenging and dirty trail 1032 to the lake.
Start in Revine and climb up past Lago to via Sottocroda, a medium gradient asphalt road that via a good number of switchbacks reaches La Posa, a remarkable vantage point over the Friuli-Veneto plain. Continue along the first dirt road and traverse next to houses to rejoin the asphalt road that continues to climb toward Pian de le Femene. From here take the path that starts at the crossroads and vertically over grassland leads to the hills above.
One can stop at the first hill to admire the view and begin the descent along the same path and, at the previous junction at the Pian, continue straight on a path that immediately enters the woods and descends on a very uneven surface with moving stones hidden by the leaves and a challenging slope in places. Trail 1032 delle Musse as of today is very dirty with numerous tree crashes, even dated ones, and continues with the same surface almost to the village of Revine, where it briefly becomes smoother.
Asphalt 50% - Trails 40% - Dirt 10%; Physical condition: medium challenging; Technical difficulty: medium challenging