Monte Mia sentiero del Pradolino
Route with cyclo-mountaineering variant to reach the summit of Monte Mia, first part flat on asphalt and trails, main ascent on asphalt and dirt road and descent on challenging, little-used trail.
Start from the Stupizza pass and continue on asphalt to the campsite just before Robic, continue on dirt road to the left and climb up keeping the stream on the left, on cartroad that becomes a path and, after a short and violent concrete ramp, runs in pleasant ups and downs on the coast to then resume a cartroad that leads near Podbela, where you climb on cartroad with medium gradient on a long road that from the north side reaches a junction near the summit of Monte Mia, which is reached only by path.
With the bottom partially snow-covered and frozen you can carry your bike on your back only for the first part of the climb to enjoy the descent, while the last part of the climb is not raidable. Excellent view from the summit, facing Matajur, from which you descend to retrieve the bikes and take the last part of the path made uphill. Left on path next to cart track to descend to Casera Mia and then on cart track to the first sign on the left indicating the path to Pradolino. At first it flows into the woods with some rockier passages, then steeper and steeper with stepped sections with artificial wooden steps, with a part around the middle of the trail that is not cyclable. The last part runs at the bottom of the valley in ups and downs and slight descents, with sometimes uneven and other wooded bottoms. It comes out alongside the Natisone River, crosses a narrow bridge and shortly reaches the asphalt at Stupizza, then closes the loop on asphalt to the ex-valley.
Asphalt 50% - Trails 40% - Dirt 10%; Physical condition: challenging; Technical difficulty: medium challenging