Stelvio 3000 con Goldseeweg in salita
Very strenuous and challenging itinerary, but spectacular scenically and with very enjoyable trails, provided you have good riding technique.
From Gomagoi you climb on a forest road and a stretch on asphalt to the Forcola hut, the last stretch is very nice. From the hut, with fantastic views of Ortles, the long ascent to the Stelvio Pass begins, the first part with a lot of biking, the second more pedaling. Spectacular views. The trail is off-limits to bikes from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., but going in the off-season, perhaps in October before the snow, you can pass during the day.
Beware of bikers coming down the trail. When you get to the Garibaldi hut (better not to stop to eat, but to do so high up at 3000 meters), go down to the Stelvio pass and up the road, which is very steep, to the cable car and hut at 3000 meters. From here you descend on scree and poorly marked trail to the Tibet hut, then turn right onto the Tibet trail, initially easy, then increasingly challenging.
You pass the Franzenshoehe hotel, cross the Stelvio road, and then descend to Tre Fontane with very challenging switchbacks. A nice path along the stream leads to Trafoi and a final asphalt section to the car