From Vittorio Veneto go up towards Breda Calieron, at WP C turn left. Warning: from Fai cave to the Calieron caves there is no ban on bikes , the trail is very narrow and sloping sections on foot will not lack act with caution and courtesy to hikers. From Breda you take the trail named Pont de Fer at times hostile because of the slopes, before the bridge you turn right to a ford in the direction of Fregona. BEWARE at WP G where the trail leads to the right, immediately after a ford there is a gate that probably has not been closed for years, the problem is the next one that I found open but I do not guarantee in the future, alternatively continue along the main and at the fork turn right to return to the trail.
Go up a hill and then descend along the hydro canal, go through the villages of Villa, Coilsola, at borgo Luca continue to climb and at WP I a short steep section forces a few uphill steps repaid by a nice downhill trail that leads toward Osig . Beware at WP L do not get caught up in the descent and turn right uphill. At first a few steep sections, then climb steadily to the mining trail, with the dry bottom it is worth the walk. From Maren the downhill section requires caution, then by paths already traveled in many rounds we face the pylon trail backwards towards Croda Rossa, at WP P we turn left on the last downhill trail that takes us to the gates of Vittorio Veneto.
Referent RENATO - ( [email protected] ) - Last reconnaissance: 19/01/2022
Anti-clockwise direction - Length = 44 km - Elevation gain Sal/Disc = +1723 / -1723 m
Altitude min/Max = 107 / 735 - Standard Time hours 5:30 min
Average Speed = 8 Km/hour - Cyclability on time 100% (walking 1 min)
Technical Difficulty = 7/7 Very Difficult - G.D. = 82 DIFFICULT