The route starts from the parking lot of the town hall in the village of Torrebelvicino (free).
The first 10 km or so are all uphill on secondary asphalt roads that climb very gently. Following the track you arrica in Passo Xomo locality where the dirt road of the Strada degli Scarubbi begins, the view from this point opens up and becomes wonderful. The climb leads up to the church of Santa Maria del pasubio gpm of the day.
The descent begins, leading to the famous Heroes Road (where you have to watch out for numerous pedestrians on weekends). Reaching and crossing the proviciale, we begin a short climb to the Pasubio Ossuary (where a visit is always permissible). After that you descend a more technical trail that leads down to the provincilae that leads back to the machina. Fairly easy trail technically.
Good to do in the summer time.