Monti Barbieri e Dinavolo
Clockwise tour with 2 long climbs and 2 long descents on trail. Start at Riva cemetery, tarmac slightly uphill to Biana, then steep climb to Spettine where it becomes dirt road and even steeper to Torria. The dirt road continues to Pia Pass where a trail with steep sections, all pedaled, leads to Mt. Barbieri.
Start the long dirt descent to the little chapel of Mt. Sant'Anna where you follow the downhill FRANA, a few challenging passes to the gully where it becomes difficult but with spectacular views. Past the viewpoint it becomes a succession of bumps to the road, which you briefly ascend. New trail, after the initial steep becomes a nice single track.
Asphalt ascent to Casaleto then trail to Castellaro, asphalt to Chiulano and trail to the summit of Mt. Dinavolo. Now long descent down the Rio Caiano trails, very nice with a few short climbs and some rocky but not difficult sections.
Water at Chiulano fountain, walk past it.