Pleasant ride in the area from Rivalta and Mount Pillerone, the most popular area in the vicinity of Piacenza.
Done clockwise,it is fairly easy, it is almost all dirt roads and a few easy trails, more challenging is the Piller Express descent down from Mt. Pillerone, which you walk half its length.
It starts from Canneto on the trails in the Trebbia almost to Croara.
Caution: this section is all done from late October to April, not in summer because the water intake in the Trebbia is opened and you have to go up just before Rivalta.
Here you enter the beautiful Croara forest, then, with several dirt roads, you reach Pigazzano where you follow a path to the Pillerone road, mostly downhill.
Dirt climb to the summit of Mt. Pillerone and descent on the first section of the Piller Express descent, fairly easy but treacherous when wet.
Dirt ascent to Monticello then descent to Rezzanello on dirt road.
Tarmac to Momeliano then you get to the Rio Gandore powder mill which you cross, in theory it would be closed but all bikers and pedestrians have been going through it for years, there is a big gap to the right of the inbound gate and one to the left of the outbound gate.
Now go slightly uphill then through 2 groves, a dirt road and back to the start.
Water at Monticello fountain, 300 meters left from the finish point, under the castle.