Borgosesia: Foresto, M. Tovo, M. Aronne
Starting from the supermarket parking lot in Borgosesia (first traffic circle on the right after the bridge over the Sesia), we start by taking the state highway going up to Val Sesia to the junction for the hospital and from there we reach Agnona.
From the village we go up by dirt road to Foresto, and again by bitumen we continue to Rifugio Gilodi and the square where the road ends and to the right a dirt road begins, which we will take.
We have done about 10km of climbing here, now we go around Mount Tovo to get to a point where on the sn we meet a table and the beginning, poorly marked, of the climb to the summit, which is 150mt further up. This part is not rideable, so MTB on the shoulder and off we go. The climb is difficult if done when there are many leaves on the ground that lower the grip of the shoes.
At the top of the carpet of leaves we arrive at the cross of Mount Tovo, 1386mt. The trees do not allow the hoped-for view, too bad.
Here toward the plain, the Sesia in the center of the valley. You can clearly see Fenera on the left and the hills of Gattinara on the right.
The summit
The first part of the descent is...pushy, too many leaves, you can hardly stand. Without leaves on the ground you should be able to do it in the saddle. We then return to the clearing seen earlier, and continue to the right.
Now we have a first part of forestry, then a narrow path and more forestry. Lots of downhill forestry until km26, where the Mirtilli trail begins, followed by Caprioli. Not very well-maintained trails, but I don't mind them so natural. We get to the bottom of the valley at the junction for Guardabosone, which we do not take and head for the last climb to Mount Aronne, 667 mt, where there are antennas. From here nice views of the valley and trail repeaters to make it to the state highway and then to the parking lot.