8 Bar
Eight-man tour to Mount Bar and surrounding area.
Start in Tesserete and climb on a comfortable paved road to the Monte Bar Hut. Only the last kilometer is unpaved. From the hut continue on a dirt road to Piandanazzo (fountain) and from there take the path along the coast. After about 500m turn right, where the beautiful descent to Signora begins. Smooth and never really difficult.
From Signora you follow the paved road to the right and arrive at Corticiasca, where the second climb of the day begins, bringing us back to altitude. When we reach another dirt road we follow it to the left and it will take us back to the paved road we took earlier to climb to the hut.
After about 250 meters, at a hairpin bend to the right, we abandon it and thus arrive at the famous Crocione del Monte Bar, from where the descent I have described here begins and which takes us back to Tesserete.