Monte Mario 2
Start from the Sasso Marconi station parking lot and climb up trails to the Monte Mario saddle and from there proceed to the summit (short push section). First short but intense descent with ascent to get to the Commenda. Here take the nice trail down to Battedizzo: Nuvola Rossa.Steep, technical rock passages, compressions and climbs.You come to the road to Badolo, right to climb to Battedizzo and then to the Monte Mario saddle.Here you keep on the low trail just below the Commenda and take the nice traverse parallel to via delle Orchidee and then return to via delle Orchidee and follow cai 110 which descends (flow section) and then climbs back up past Ca' di Co, to the wildlife protection area.
Follow cai 110 and do a first loop before reaching the crags. Go back to the crags and this time take the "secret trial" trail with nice steeps and technical passages on rock and you'll reach Badolo. Take a right to climb back up to the Vagabunder trailhead, another classic trail in the area; flowy, but with some nice peppery technical passages on rock! On the road to Battedizzo you turn left to climb up on asphalt to Badolo and then to via delle Orchidee to Mugnano meadows, passing through the commenda. Last descent the toboggan that arrives on the ganzole road near the Albano bridge and from there to the parking lot.