Rocca Altiera e Bella Veduta
Leaving Settefrati, 5 km of asphalt and the dirt road begins, Cai trail Q6, another 5 km in the saddle in challenging sections, with two strong ramps that are pedaled only with a good leg. A push or shoulder section follows, never very hard (only small sections) a few small pedaled segments, and we are first on Rocca Altiera and then on Mt. Bella Veduta. Never seen such a wide panorama: the Comino valley, the Pnalm and Mainarde mountains, the Canneto valley below and the beautiful "Meta."
The descent: from valico della Portella (the saddle below bella veduta) the first part has very steep inclines on a spectacular singletrack that with numerous nospress hairpin bends takes us to the saddle below. We abandon the official trail to plunge into the valley to the left, towards Macchia Marina, on an old track marked in red. Several switchbacks on challenging stony trail and a very small section to cross over a landslide, which has covered the trail. We enter the woods, stunning, here the flow has never passed. A meandering path over earth and loose stones, today found still damp due to residual snowfields, one last set of switchbacks and we arrive at Fonte San Cataldo on the dirt road coming from the Valle Fischia refuge. We cross it to continue on the cai Q8 trail, which heads towards the Vorga locality, with a more compact but never flowing bottom, with small passages on small rocks, a short dirt road and we reconnect on the asphalt road, which in about 3 km uphill brings us back to the starting point.
Epic ride for lovers of the wild and trial trails, views to be framed.