Crabun 2711 m Ed. 2022
Cycloalpine route with long portage and very technical/trialistic descents.
Mount Crabun 2711 m already mapped as a loop here M. Crabun 2711 m today we enjoy it in a direct version and with some variation in the final to optimize and avoid boars.
Start from Tour d'Hérères 540 m right at the beginning of the Lys valley so super comfortable. Ample parking, water and history Tour Hereres. Very few meters of regional and then long asphalt but deserted climb to Croux 1350 m with shy off road parenthesis at 1150 m just to vary a bit (max 40% cyclable). Except for symbolic stretches the pedal ends here. For aesthetic reasons and to check other trail at 1800 m shortly after the fountain we detour to Mont Millian. Multitrack cow path of little or no interest for eventual descent. From 2100 the climb is the same as 2 years ago. Rough, vulgar and very tiring but rewarded again today by exceptional panorama with clear air and strong wind.
Crabun 2711 m !
Descent ON: also the descent to 1150 m is gameforwardly the same as last time. Extremely difficult, trialistic and challenging ridge where to put technical progress into practice. Only for lovers of the genre.
From the col good but still advanced potability. Particularly the section around 1650 m I didn't remember it as tough with nice rough switchbacks. A few meters of relaxation in the small plain and then again certain death in a spiral with steps, damp and cow shit but always at the top of discomfort. Past the creek last fixed rocks and lactic acid. Marooo what a descent !
From Croux we ford for Ruine with the mule track in excellent condition to Ruine Desot where we divert to Baderey. Still very pleasant despite the inevitable much chestnut leaf on the ground and a few short more challenging sections. Just before Cretaz 970 m I ciccato the detour that would have saved us two hairpin bends of bitumen, ocio. From the Mill de les Glacieres balcony trail into the woods and then cuts until after Marine where we detour to Perloz, unexpectedly historic village. Le Chemin de la Vallaise, very nice and in places technical, takes us to the Dragon Bridge of Morettaz Bridges and Dragons, which has ferried the inconvenienced on both sides of the Lys since 1700. Arriving at the car uphill brazed to perfection.
In conclusion: round also in this 2022 edition of great depth in commitment and content but not to be missed. In 2 years I will try it via the W ridge.