Majella: Monte Mileto e Morone di Pacentro
Starting in the beautiful village of Pacentro, after 10km of paved climb that is never hard we take a dirt road and are at San Leonardo Pass, below the stunning Maiella Ravines. We begin with the first push section of the day on the Q4 trail that climbs to Mt. Mileto. A few shoulder-bike sections, many pedaled segments on cart track, then one last shoulder-bike section and we are at the summit, with Mt. Amaro and its beautiful White Mare Rave looking down on us.
A fun descent on high-altitude singletrack begins, which a little further down we leave for a short freeride, recovering in the bottom of the Val di Dentro valley a pastoral track that will rejoin us, after a short ascent, to the Q5 trail.
Here begins a stupendous singletrack in the undergrowth with several technical passages on rock garden, exposed sections, and last 50 meters or so of elevation gain not cyclable in places due to fallen trees. We come out on the asphalt road traveled uphill, climb it for a short segment to resume a fairly exposed technical trail, all on challenging rockgarden, small rocky canyons and some loose bottom, almost to the center of town.