Monte Mario
Fun compilation of the best descents in the Monte Mario area. Depart from the Sasso Marconi station and climb by trails to the Monte Mario saddle and then to the summit of the same name.Short but intense descent and ascent to the Commenda for the Nuvola Rossa descent; flow trail but with a few technical passages on dirt and rock and fun steeps up to the road to Battedizzo. Ascent to the Monte Mario saddle and then back to the Commenda for the low trail parallel to via delle Orchidee (fast traverse with some ascent).
Last section on via delle Orchidee. Then follow cai 110 to Ca' di Co, with dirt and sections of trail (XC) to climb back to the dirt road below Madone. Take a right, pass the exotic fauna center and proceed to the crags. Short loop with flow descent and climb back to the crags. Proceed to the ridge and then nice technical "secret trail" descent to Badolo.Right and short ascent on asphalt to take left the nice Wagabunder trail: fun single track mostly flow, but with a few steps on rock bordering on trialistic. Back on the road to Battedizzo, ascent to the Monte Mario saddle and then to the Mugnano meadows for the last descent (flow) to Sasso Marconi.