Ca' Bazzone
Winter tour to Ca' di Bazzone. Depart from the Pizzacra parking lot and reach Ca' di Bazzone in the Idice valley and then climb up to Monte delle Formiche. Then turn left onto Via Fiedola and then right onto a dirt road (Via Zena) that quickly descends into the Zena valley passing Zena Castle. Go up to Crocione and then to Querceto, Casola and take the descent (some nice technical passages on small rocks) that leads toward the junction for the trail that descends into val di Zena and continue (keep right) for the Sadurano loop going up by trail and then dirt road (asphalt) to Livergnano.Here turn right (via di Bortignano) and after a few ups and downs on dirt road you return to Casola and this time descend into val di Zena (nice path on rocky and terrain). In the Zena valley you go up toward Monte delle Formiche, pass Ca' di Pippo, and then take the trail down into the Idice valley (Viaratta). A couple of landslides, however bypassable, a fast single track that reaches Monterenzio and by asphalt to Pizzacra.