Monte Radicchio
Nice compilation of descents at MonteRadicchio. Torcole, Torcolacce1 and 2, Balze di Calvenzano and BlackScorpion. Start above Tabina (before Vergato) on the road up to Rodiano. First climb on asphalt to Rodiano and then to the ridge.Follow the ridge trail to the crossroads where the classic Torcole descent begins; a trail on rock and gravel, very steep with steps and trialistic passages, then uphill by trail (rideable with ebike) again to the crossroads and then right to take the Torcolacce 2: again the first section very steep on rock and gravel, non-stop until the final megaripid.Then a nice flow section up to canyon in creek. Up by trail to crossroads and again right but this time downhill to Torcolacce 1.This trail is also steep and challenging with technical passages and in the final stretch re-enters the canyon. Back on the dirt road to the left to climb up on cart track to Collina. Here begins the Balze di Calvenzano trail; single track with steep and some technical passages, but narrow and very exposed to the left.Back down the valley and climb up the dirt track to above Rodiano and then to the ridge trail. Last descent the BlackScorpion; first section a bit rocky, rocks and steps, then more flowing section. The final section is a treat on rock, switchbacks and narrow ridges to the final drop of all respect.