Pietra Parcellara
Nice ride in Valtrebbia in the area of Pietra Parcellara, you ride on known trails and others less so, it is done counterclockwise. At Marchesi you go up nice inclines all the way to Scrivellano with dirt sections and some asphalt. Now nice downhill trail in the woods then steep climb to Ceresola. Now dirt roads and asphalt to Costa del Bullapunto very scenic over Pietra Parcellara with snow-capped Mt. Lesima on the right.
Now series of roads to Mt. Bogo then nice downhill trail. Now tarmac downhill then, passing in the track on either side of the field, to the rocky outcrop.
With Piatra Parcellara in the background, continue on the sides of the field to the boulder on the opposite side. For this stretch, 200 meters, there is no trail; it is an uncultivated grass field. Go up on dirt road then by road to Scargnago, now beautiful trail to Agliarino, first down to gorge then back up. Continue on path downhill to Ca' del Monte where it becomes a road. At the asphalt road you go down to Ca' Allotti and go up the other side on beautiful trail, then asphalt to Travo and back to the start.