Rive Rosse, Gialle, Arancio
Here is one of the most complete rides in the Red Shores! This area, thanks to the fantastic work done by local trailbulders, has become famous for the characteristic very draining bottom with an exaggerated grip that allows to ride even in the wettest periods.
After several researches and studying the map well, this track was born just with the idea to do something different from the classic tour, and take back even the outermost descents, I called it so precisely because during the tour we found the red, yellow, orange bottom. The trail is very challenging but can be shortened to your liking, I have marked on purpose the elevation gain of each descent. (E.g. Removing Galeotto bobsled and Moia becomes more manageable: 1500 meters positive elevation gain). Trace counterclockwise starting from the south, almost all the climbs are on asphalt
SUPERVULCANO (S1 170 meters 10/10) Southeast
Start from Rongio Chierro. The first climb is about 170 meters on a somewhat uneven and not too comfortable surface and takes us on a S1/S2 "lunar" descent that closes shortly after at San Giorgio. We climb back up to Cima di Terla where after the classic photo op on Lake Ravasanella we continue to the village of Olzera Superiore.
NEW YORK (S3 240 meters 10/10) Northeast.
A spectacular descent starts from Artina peak! It is a nice S2 with many S3 passages, which from the ridge with a few raises will bring us back to the valley very gassed.
GALEOTTO BOB (S2 200 meters 8/10) Northeast.
A nice guided, less technical than the New York and with fewer relaunches.
FACTORY (S2/S3 230 meters 10/10) Northwest.
After the traverse below Top La Guardia, all offroad and not the most comfortable to ride, begins this descent that is nothing short of exaggerated! Driven, fast, steep with technical passages on rock, but also easyline for those not feeling up to it.
FLY TO ROCCO (S3 100 meters 9/10) Central
Once you get back to the Sella refuge you descend on asphalt to La Colma (or by Emtb going up the trail), from here also starts the descent (not present in this track) "La colma DH" which from what I read is a flow with a final steep
M33 (S2 150 meters 8/10) Central
Fast and guided descent little technical very nice, definitely deserves.
MOIA (S2+ 250 meters 9/10)
The descent is reached by a nice trail but with many relaunches also very challenging, descent on a draining bottom for the first part and on wooded terrain in the second part, watch out for the drop in the final part that rises in difficulty
M41 (S2+ 250 meters 10/10) Southwest
This is perhaps the most famous descent of the Red Shores, on supergrippy ground but obliging a lot of even challenging relaunches, during the descent it is also possible to take the M41BIS.
Trail Style: Enduro, Trail
Personal rating: 10/10
MTB: Yes
Ascent Difficulty: Comfortable on asphalt, except for several raises during some trails
Difficulty descent: medium S2
Drainage: yes, a lot