Borgate di Prarostino da Bricherasio
Parking in Bricherasio before the church. Asphalt section up to hamlet Torretti, then dirt road alternating with bitumen to Ciabot del Masche, Bellion, Davit and Castello, from Castelluzzo resumes dirt road arriving in perhaps the most picturesque area of the tour, Costabella and the open-air ethnographic museum of Angrogna. It resumes left skirting a hamlet and climbing up to the asphalt of Borgata Sea and then dirt road to Colle delle Bule. Short descent to Case Colletta and short asphalt stretch to Piani from where you reach the start of the King of The Hill trail, a beautiful single track with a couple of more challenging passages and some avoidable jumps by passing to the side. Caution: in the last section a sign with the words King trail closed stands out; there is an option to continue on false ground instead of going down as in my track. Once on asphalt in San Secondo di Pinerolo, you return to Bricherasio.
Angrogna Ethnographic Museum - Borgata Pons - woodworking lathe.
Mill wheels for kneading clay
Pylon of Santa Croce