La trilogia del Pillerone
The 3 descents of Mount Pillerone are now a must among Piacenza and lower Lombardy bikers who, with a few miles by car, manage to reach the starting point of this route in the lower/middle Trebbia Valley. By car, taking State Road 45 of the Trebbia Valley, you pass Rivergaro and move to the other side of the Trebbia in the direction of Boelli. The car can be left at one of several lay-bys on the side of the road. On the other hand, if you want to warm up your leg, you can leave your car in one of the many parking lots in Rivergaro and bike the transfer to Boelli.
There are 3 descents, all strictly on single track, and in order they are:
The PILLEREXPRESS starts directly from the Cross of Mount Pillerone (mt 660 asl) and is in our opinion the most playful and fun. To be noted in its second part (after the intersection with the dirt road) a couple of steeps that however with time have softened quite a bit and several compressions where you have to let the bike run.
The GIANHANSEL always starts in the vicinity of the Cross and is dedicated to a biker known to most of the people of Piacenza who passed away a few years ago. It too has several curves and counter-curves, steep sections and overall is a lot of fun. In the past this descent used to go down to the asphalt but, due to problems with the forest owners, the last section has been closed and does not appear in this track.
The PILLER ONE starts slightly below the other two and initially is characterized always by turns and counter-turns with natural supports are at the intersection with the dirt road that is used for the ascent. After that, the music changes, there is a section on rock where planks with netting have been placed on top to increase grip. This section is famous for sending several bikers to the ER and then to Orthopedics. It is a very short section but is not for everyone. Even on foot, if wet you will have a hard time getting down. So watch out (there is even a sign!).This second part of PILLER ONE is the most difficult section of the three descents described above.
As far as the climbs are concerned, the only very hard section is the one that unfortunately has to be run three times. Although the elevation gain of the route is not high, these uphill sections at the end of the ride will be felt. The descents are NOT to be done after heavy rains, the trails being mostly on dirt and rock become very slippery and dangerous, as well as ruined. It must be said, however, that PILLER ONE and PILLEREXPRESS, except for its final part dry out relatively quickly given the exposure. The opposite argument for the GIANHANSEL, which instead stays wet for much longer.
Good raids and be sure not to underestimate them, they are always fun descents but not suitable for newbies.