Pescasseroli - Bisegna
Start from Pescasseroli in the direction of Bisegna, at about 9km there is a clearing where the park trail Z1 begins, go up along a beech forest until you reach a junction with trail Z2, continue for about a hundred meters to Z2 instead of turning right to continue on the trail you continue straight on a path not officially marked. Here there are stretches where you have to push the bike until you get to a clearing, to the right you go back to Pescasseroli, to the left you go in the direction of Bisegna, in the plain there is also a fountain, from here you descend to Bisegna. Along the descent you meet a refuge where you can have a beer or eat something, in summer it is open at other times I don't know, then it is all downhill until Bisegna. Unfortunately here begins the worst stretch asphalt and uphill until the pass where the Z1 trail begins, from here on downhill until Pescasseroli.