Monte Faeta
From Vorno we climb in the direction of Santallago, but when we arrive at the Ghiaccetto junction we turn right heading toward Campo di Croce. After refreshment we tackle the steep ascent of Verruchino to the top of Faeta. From here the classic alternatives are the two descents 00 towards the Conserva mountains or the Dentro rete towards the Carrara mountains. We decide to descend the sassaia in the same direction from where we ascended by concatenating to follow the 00, the Picabeba, the Poppo and the Sottopoppo.
To ascend back to Campo di Croce we decide to do so via Cai 129 a short but very enjoyable single track that is rideable for the most part even uphill. Arriving at the mouth of Calci we continue along the Cacciatore trail that leads onto the Tobler route. We transit for the second time to Campo di Croce and then reach Santallago for a restorative break.
We start to descend again this time concatenating the Castagnone, Sassoballoccioro, Tommy, Black Tommy and Selciatino trails. One last uphill tear and before we reach the astronomical observatory we take the trail that passes by the Setteventi Estate and brings us back to the foot of the Nottolini aqueduct, always on single track.