Lunga discesa sterrata dalla cima del Corno d'Aquilio a Fosse
Beautiful route that leads to the summit of Corno d'Aquilio from which there is a truly remarkable panorama. To get up to the Corno you ride on very well known dirt roads frequented by bikers. The final part up to the summit is definitely pretty tough. However, with good leg, it can be done almost completely in the saddle except for a short section just below the cross. The views from the summit, if you are lucky enough to guess a clear day, are truly superlative.
The long descent from the summit, entirely unpaved, is really very beautiful and highly satisfying. The first part, up to the junction with the E7 trail, in spite of appearances, is done comfortably in the saddle, except for a few passages where it is better to proceed at a reduced pace, not so much because of the difficulties but so as not to bump the crowns on large rocky steps.
Taking E7, after a grassy section, things get more serious. First you go down a steep little path carved by water, and after that you begin to dance on more or less high rocky steps and on a mule track strewn with large loose stones. The gradient is always pronounced, the terrain is rocky and stony and forces continuous off-saddle work. Needed good arm and leg work to try to cushion the constant steps to overcome (by the end the arms were really sore). As a difficulty say a nice overall M2 with some M3 passages: two rocky drops and one long step. To take it all the way home in the saddle is quite satisfying.
From Tommasi, instead of taking the usual little road down to Fosse, we "scouted" a good alternative that is taken by turning to the right. These are dirt roads, mule tracks and paths that are never difficult and always fun. About halfway through, just after a hamlet, the trail seems to get lost in the middle of a meadow with tall grass. Following the trail, however, you have no problems and soon after you meet a very obvious mule track. The long descent ends on the road up from Peri about a kilometer before Fosse.