Monte Dinavolo
Mount Dinavolo is one of the most popular places in the province, there are many trails, this challenging tour connects several of them. Clockwise tour, water at Pian del Pozzo and Chiulano fountain.
Starting from Ancarano, with dirt roads you get to the Bagnolo villas, I recommend the short detour to see the chasm of the cement quarry, it is in the trail. Now a section in the quarry, it is forbidden but you pass away from the excavation and on the service dirt roads no one passes. You get to the ruin of the castle, short descent then asphalt climb then left follow the little path de rio Caiano all in the woods, nice but with sections with disturbing vegetation. Go up on dirt road then asphalt road to Mandrola.
Now follow the Denavolino trail with continuous ups and downs to Denavolo, again stretches with vegetation that disturbs a bit. Go up on strerrata to Castellaro then asphalt to Chiulano then uphill trail to Mandrola. Now go up on CAI trail, at the beginning sometimes there is a chain that has no reason to be there: it is a CAI trail. You climb to the summit then descend from the downhill trail with some challenging but not difficult sections, then continue to the right on nice dirt tracks and at Rio Soprano you find the asphalt.
At Bassano you descend from the Cai di Donzella trail, which is very nice with a steep climb, then back to the start. I never understood why the little village is called Denavolo while the mountain just above Dinavolo