Moggio Udinese - Troi dai Borgs
Mythical route in the Moggio Udinese foothills, with clear signage and suitable for experienced cyclists, in small part cycloalpine. Initial climb with significant gradient and no breathing room on cart track and trail, then downhill single track and ups and downs to the final asphalt at Campiolo. Not completely cyclable, but extremely enjoyable. Wild.
Start in the center of Moggio and climb to upper Moggio, at the drop-off turn right on steep asphalt and immediately trails following the signs, descend briefly past the farmhouse on the Travasans brook, descend to the asphalt which you immediately abandon to climb right to the narrow cartroad that becomes a trail and climbs breathlessly to the scenic Balcony of Provezi, very challenging to do all on the pedals.
There are splendid views of the villages crossed by the ride and the valley. Continue on the up-and-down trail to the junction for Monticello and follow it downhill to the left, technical and stair-step in places, exposed, dirt and rock bottom, with a few relaunches to then climb briefly to Borgo di Mezzo (or the previous cut), descend on fast dirt track to the slightly uphill trail leading to Moggessa di Là, downhill trail and steep ascent to Moggessa di Qua and last trail in the woods, with some relaunches, technical and with a landslide crossing, exposed points, fun and moderately challenging.
You reach the valley of the Glagnò stream, which you ford (with dryness it is rideable) and cross again shortly after on a small bridge, to follow the path in abrupt ups and downs to Campiolo. From here, except for a short path immediately to the right, it is all flat asphalt to Moggio.
Asphalt 20% - Dirt 30%, Trails 50% - Physical condition: medium challenging.