Acquamarcia e Mirandola
Nice ride with two classic descents in the area. Departure from Doganaccia from the square below the cable car. On comfortable dirt road we quickly gain the Croce Arcana pass. We continue on the ridge path in the direction of Libro Aperto. We pass Vista Paradiso, arrive at the Balzoni and reach Colle dell'Acquamarcia from where we take the first descent on Cai 417.
The trail is very varied with an initial section in a very scenic open field and then continues into the forest with passages on rocks and roots and a final steep section until we intersect the forest road coming from Capanno Tassoni and leading to Passo del Colombino. We continue on a much more flowing path,until we arrive near a group of houses where we get off the bike out of respect for the inhabitants who have often complained about the continuous passage of disrespectful bikers.
Once back in the saddle we resume the ascent to Capanno Tassoni where we take the forestal trail mentioned above. Arriving just below the Colombino pass we dress for the second descent on Cai 419 that will take us just above Ospitale passing through the small Abbandonato della Mirandola hamlet. Even this trail does not disappoint expectations very beautiful and all in all very clean despite the fact that it has not been long since the snow melted. Now it is our turn for the long climb to gain the Croce Arcana pass again with a restorative stop at Capanno Tassoni. Resuming the ascent from the hut on comfortable forestry we arrive at the pass we conclude the tour with a small loop to the Calanca pass transiting under Mount Spigolino.