Oropa Alpe 7 Fontane -Tracciato vecchia tramvia
Depart from Favaro, sports facilities, pedal toward Oropa for a few km on asphalt. You must then take the D51 trail on the left that leads to Oropa Bagni and continue to a clearing (meadow) with panoramic views of Biella. One must take the path on the right that climbs (quite steeply) for about 500 meters to reach the tracciolino (asphalt road). We walk about 2 km and then go up towards Alpetto locality (road always paved until Alpetto 1500mt).
Before reaching this place a dirt road on the left with a bar indicates the route to Muanda Alp and 7 Fontane. Dirt road with panoramic views over Biellese. You easily reach 7 Fontane alpe (the road ends here) and you are just below Mt. Mucrone. The 2 huts present have huge avalanche guards to protect against avalanches. The return always on dirt road to Alpetto where you take a traverse in the meadow to reach Alpe Dama and on a beautiful descent to Antennae del Tracciolino. Return to Oropa with a visit to the monumental cemetery.
From the Oropa station where there is an old engine of the little train, we leave following the track that then takes up the D51 junction except to descend for 20 mt on a path with radials and here for about 6 km to reach Favaro with return to the cars.