Venzone - Malga Confin - Forcella Campidello - Resia
Cycloalpine route with steep ascent along Val Venzonassa and then to Malga Confin, portage to Forca Campidello, descent on technical trail on rocks and in the woods, ascent in portage to La Forcja and technical descent in the woods to the asphalt near Lischiazze di Resia, part of the Tigo-Povici loop to Povici and closing the loop on asphalt.
Start in Venzone and immediately climb on asphalt and in places dirt road in Val Venzonassa, famous for significant gradients, at the junction with the dirt road to Malga Confin follow to the left with even steeper ramps steep cemented but still rideable ramps, you reach the malga and continue behind it on the right-hand path, for a few meters downhill, a long up and down in the sparse forest and then bike back along a steep path on grass among the mountain pines to the nearby Forca Campidello (+100m dsl) from which you can enjoy two splendid views of the two valleys.
The descent on the next path is on a bottom dug in the grass with rocks (challenging), then in the woods with an endless series of rather narrow hairpin bends and with a couple of crossings over watercourse (today dry) including one over the Rio Nero. You come to the junction at the lowest point between the path that descends to the left along the Rio Nero and its continuation to the right (CAI 703) that climbs to La Forcja, about 250m of rather steep elevation gain on a zigzag path in the woods toward the saddle separating the Resia valley. At the top you take the descent into the forest, with many hairpin bends that are not too tight and a somewhat uneven bottom hidden by a bed of leaves.
Fun and not too fast initially it becomes increasingly flowing toward the end. It comes out on the asphalt near Lischiazze and proceeds with a cut on a path to the left after Gost and on the following (after the bridge) to the left until the Tigo bridge, which you leave to the right to continue on the path along the Resia stream in fast up and down, very fun XC trail. Ends at Povici di Sopra, from which you continue on asphalt to take the bike path down to Resiutta and close the loop on asphalt or partial bike path to Venzone.
Asphalt 40% - Trails 30% - Dirt 30%; Physical condition: challenging; Technical difficulty: challenging