Pian di Casa (Pesariis) - Passo Siera - Sappada - Passo Digola - Sella Lavardet
Starting at Pian di Casa, the beginning of the cross-country ski trails further upstream from Pesariis, descend on asphalt to the first cemented ramp on the left, climb immediately with significant gradients on cemented ramps and compact dirt road with few breaths, among beech forests and some glimpses of the Dolomites. Only at the top, near the Siera pass, does the view open up to the surrounding peaks, and soon you reach the pass clearing. At the fork on the left you could climb to the Corbellini refuge, our route is to the right along the path in the grass, which shortly after enters the woods, technical and with some non-bikeable sections.
Very rocky and with some exposed sections (even ferrata sections) alternating with smoother segments. The second part faces Sappada, which is quickly approached by descending, in the last part on steep cart track. You reach the valley floor and a stop in Sappada is a must. You pick up the cartroad that climbs up toward Cadore admiring the three peaks of the Terza on the left. The dirt road is rather bumpy with the gradients of the previous climb, so it is more strenuous, but shorter, with a few breaths in the first part and increasing difficulty in the last.
You reach the junction with another cartroad and turn left, with short falsopiano to the Digola pass. The descent is on cartroad not too steep and, after about 2.3km from the casera Digola, you take to the right a path not very visible as a variant, very fun and flowing, a merry-go-round. You reach the asphalt road and climb to the Merendera, an initially paved road famous for its 14 close hairpin bends just after the bridge over the Frison stream. Soon after, the road becomes unpaved but very compact, with some car and motorcycle traffic. The gradient is around 10% and leads slowly toward Forcella Lavardet, where on asphalt and a small variation along a dirt bike path to the left, you return to Pian di Casa.
40% asphalt-60% dirt. Challenging