Monte Lanaro
Karst route between Cross Country and Enduro on paths and cart tracks, between steep ramps and bumpy descents.
Start from Gabrovizza and ride immediately on narrow asphalt road marked CAI34, which immediately becomes compact dirt road and after about 1km you take a path with compact bottom on the left, to arrive in short to Sgonico and the asphalt, right in the square and climb, small section on Gemina path and then climb with some steep ramps on the left on CAI path. Steep sections between cart tracks and paths, some ups and downs and last section on steep dirt road to reach the top of Mount Lanaro.
Pause for the 360-degree view and descend, with an almost level first section with rocks too pronounced for pedaling, then ride the bumpy and pleasant trail to the cart track in Slovenia that allows you to go around the mountain and up north in continuous gentle ups and downs, until you abandon it for a more narrower left that becomes a path and the ups and downs become more intense, ending in another gravel dirt road up and down, to be left for a short but intense path (almost invisible) to the left that climbs to a rise and descends immediately to cart track that gently leads to Coloruzza.
Short asphalt to leave for a dirt road that leads to a short stretch of a few meters on provincial road on asphalt, immediately left on fun and flowing downhill trail followed by a long up-and-down stretch, crossing the tracks and last stretch to close the loop.
Asphalt 10% - Trails 40% - Dirt 50%; Physical condition: medium challenging; Technical difficulty: medium challenging;